Since 2008, we conducted 16 climate change response consulting projects in Africa, Southeast Asia, Oman, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, etc., with the KEA(Korea Energy Agency), POSCO, SK, KOTRA, GGGI, and the Export-Import Bank of Korea including KSP(Knowledge Sharing Program, share economic development experience) Project.
In 2013, we developed guidelines for energy management performance evaluation and conducted empirical studies in the industrial sector (petrochemical, steel, ceramics, machinery, automobiles, cement, etc.) and established EMS infrastructure in the industries, and has practical expertise in the EMS field, such as carrying out EMS follow-up management projects for medium and small firms from 2018 to 2019.
And we are developing overseas projects for climate change response and energy efficiency in Africa with KEIT(Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute), KIAT(Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology), KEA, GGGI and GCF, and so on.